Title Content Notification for Submission of Bioevalence Study Reports as Mandatory Requirement Notification for Submission of Bioevalence Study Reports as Mandatory Requirement በረቂቅ ህግ ላይ አስተያየት እንዲሰጥ በረቂቅ ህግ ላይ አስተያየት እንዲሰጥ የህክምና ጋዝ ቁጥጥር ረቂቅ መመሪያ በአዋጅ 1112/2011 መሰረት አዲስ ረቂቅ መመሪያ የተዘጋጀ በመሆኑ በረቂቁ ላይ አስተያየት ለመስጠት የሚፈልግ ማንኛውም ሰው ከባለስልጣኑ ድረ-ገጽ የተፃነውን ረቂቅ መመሪያ በማውረድ ቦሌ ክፍለ ከተማ፣ አፍሪካ … Ethiopian Medicine Formulary 3rd edition draft October 10, 2024 for comment We invite you to review the following draft Ethiopian National Medicine Formulary document and provide your comments within 15 days /to October 31, 2024/ using the following email address heshete@efda.gov.et የሚከተለውን ረቂቅ የኢትየጰያ ብሄራዊ የመድኃኒት ቀመር … በረቂቅ ህግ ላይ አስተያየት እንዲሰጥ የባዮ-ኢኪቫለንስ ሴንተር ማቋቋሚያ(Bio-equivalence Center Establishment draft directive) በረቂቅ ህግ ላይ አስተያየት እንዲሰጥ የባዮ-ኢኪቫለንስ ሴንተር ማቋቋሚያ(Bio-equivalence Center Establishment draft directive)በአዋጅ 1112/2011 መሰረት አዲስ ረቂቅ መመሪያ የተዘጋጀ በመሆኑ በረቂቁ ላይ አስተያየት ለመስጠት የሚፈልግ ማንኛውም ሰው በባለስልጣኑ ድረ-ገጽ የተጫነውን በማውረድ ቦሌ ክፍለ ከተማ፣ አፍሪካ ጎዳና … Medical Product Alert (01/2024) Public Alert Notice on Counterfeited Herceptin 440mg To All Medicine Importers, Wholesalers, retailers and General Public Medical Product Alert (01/2024) From the attached below details of the product we can conclude that, although this falsified batch product was identified in Kenya, … Ethiopian National Essential Medicine List for comment ይህ መዘርዝር የኢትዮጵያ መሰረታዊ መድኃኒት መዘርዝር/Ethiopian National Essential Medicine List/ ሲሆን ለ7ኛ ጊዜ ተሻሽሎ የቀረበ ነዉ፡፡ መዘርዝሩን ለማሻሻል ቴክኒካል የስራ ቡድንና ኮር ቲም ተቋቁሞ የሀገር አቀፍና ዓለም አቀፍ ነባራዊ ሁኔታዋች በመዳሰስ እንዲሁም ልዩ ልዩ ማጣቀሻወችን … በረቂቅ ሕግ ላይ አስተያየት እንዲሰጥ የቀረበ ጥሪ NPS Directive Final draft for stakeholder comment በረቂቅ ሕግ ላይ አስተያየት እንዲሰጥ የቀረበ ጥሪ የናርኮቲክ እና ሳይኮትሮፒክ መድኃኒት ቁጥጥር መመሪያ በአዋጅ 1112/2011 መረሰት የተከለሰና አዲስ የናርኮቲክ እና ሳይኮትሮፒክ መድኃኒት ቁጥጥር ረቂቅ መመሪያ የተዘጋጀ በመሆኑ በረቂቁ ላይ አስተያየት ለመስጠት የሚፈልግ ማንኛውም ሰው የረቂቁን … Medical gas Registration request Notification To All Local Manufacturers and Importers of Medical Gases Notification to submit application dossier for Registration and Marketing Authorization of Medical gases Medical gas Registration request Notification Radiopharmaceuticals Registration Notification To All Local Manufacturers and Importers of Radiopharmaceuticals Notification to submit application dossier for Evaluation and Marketing Authorization of Radiopharmaceuticals Radiopharmaceuticals Registration Notification To all market authorization holders Submission of summary of any variation to the registered product To all market authorization holders Fortified foods and fortificants control directive for comment We invite you to review the attached draft Fortified foods and fortificants control directive and provide comments . suggestions and additional points on food manufacturer, importer and public until September 30,2016 E.C. using dnegatu@efda.gov.et and wabera@efda.gov.et … Letter to Market Authorization Holders Announcement 21 6 2023 Announcement! Letter to ALL Pharmaceutical Manufacturers /Medicine Market Authorization Holders/ 21 6 2023 Letter to Market Authorization Holders Announcement 21 6 2023 Invitation for stakeholders’ webinar conference to Boost Product Marketing Authorization To: Indian Drug Manufacturers Association (IDMA) Subject: Invitation for stakeholders’ webinar conference to Boost Product Marketing Authorization Topic: EFDA x Indian Government Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Webinar Time: Jan 16, 2023, 09:00 AM Nairobi Invitation letter … EFDA Regulation for comment We invite you to review the following draft EFDA Regulation document and provide your comments within 15 days /to Nov 25, 2022/ using the following email address fmequanint@efda.gov.et , fyosef@efda.gov.et , daman@efda.gov.et የሚከተለውን ረቂቅ … Description for inclusion of Tramadol in NPS List Tramadol is a Narcotic Drug for Ethiopia Tramadol Hydrochloride Tramadol HCl is a prescription Opioid Pain killer for moderate pain. It’s often used for pain after surgery or for chronic pain from conditions like fibromyalgia. …