WHEREAS, tobacco products have serious health, social, economic and environmental consequences; WHEREAS, tobacco consumption has been scientifically confirmed to cause serious ailments including cancer, respiratory disease, cardiac and blood vessel diseases; disability as well as death; WHEREAS, exposure to tobacco smoke causes serious health problems, death, and disability to nonsmokers exposed to the smoke, and its control is found to be necessary; WHEREAS, in order to control increased consumption of tobacco by children and adolescents in the country, it is found essential to regulate advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products as these increase demand and consumption; WHEREAS, in accordance with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, government has the responsibility to prevent and reduce nicotine addiction in addition to its regulatory responsibilities to reduce and prevent tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke; WHEREAS, given the moderately low use of tobacco products in the country, and the necessity to effectively sustain current tobacco control efforts, and protection of the public health particularly among non-smokers, children, pregnant and other vulnerable parts of the community, it is found necessary to ban nicotinic and non-nicotinic Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems despite the claims that use of these products, compared to combustible tobacco, may have reduced harm to tobacco smokers; WHEREAS, the House of Peoples’ Representative mandated the Ethiopian Food, Medicine and Healthcare Administration and Control Authority to take all necessary measures to implement the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Ratification Proclamation No. 822/2013;